I work at the Sexual Health Equity Lab (the SHEL) at San Diego State University's School of Public Health under the direction of Dr. Erik Storholm. At the SHEL, I work on projects that focus on improving mental health, reducing substance abuse, and preventing HIV/STI transmission through behavioral and biomedical interventions.
I also work with Dr. Britt Skaathun as a predoctoral fellow in the T32 Substance Use, HIV and Related Infections (PI: Steffanie Strathdee/Natasha Martin) at UC San Diego. This work focuses on using social network analysis methodology to address HIV prevention among people who inject drugs that are living along the US-Mexico border.
Published manuscripts
Wagner GJ, Siconolfi DE, Nacht CL, Storholm ED. Disclosure and Help Seeking Related to Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Victimization, Perpetration and Bidirectional Abuse in a National Sample of Sexual Minority Men. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 0(0):08862605241298301. doi:10.1177/08862605241298301
Nacht CL, Contreras J, Ehlenbach M, McGregory K, Houser L, Allen BJ. Long-acting but Reversible: Opportunities to Address Provider Bias in Contraceptive Care. Hospital Pediatrics. 2024;14(8):690-699. doi:10.1542/hpeds.2023-007673
Nacht CL, Reynolds H, Jessup O, Amato M, Storholm ED. Social support and PrEP use among Sexual Minority Men: A Scoping Review. AIDS and Behavior. 2024/07/23 2024;doi:10.1007/s10461-024-04446-4
Reynolds HE, Nacht CL, Opalo C, Marroquin M, Dopp A, Ling Murtaugh K, Flynn R, Baumgardner M, Storholm ED. “By Us, for Us”: Qualitative Insights to Inform Implementation of Comprehensive Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Services in a Trans Community Center. Annals of LGBTQ Public and Population Health. doi:10.1891/LGBTQ-2023-0038
Skaathun B, Strathdee SA, Shrader C-H, Nacht CL, Borquez A, Artamonova I, Harvey-Vera A, Vera CF, Rangel G, Ignacio C, Woodworth B, Chaillon A, Vasylyeva TI. HIV-1 transmission dynamics among people who inject drugs on the US/Mexico border during the COVID-19 pandemic: a prospective cohort study. The Lancet Regional Health - Americas. 2024/05/01/ 2024;33:100751. doi:
Jessup O, Nacht CL, Amato M, Reynolds HE, Felner JK, Hong C, Siconolfi DE, Wagner GJ, Stephenson R, Muthuramalingam S, Storholm ED. How intimate partner violence is influenced by social identity among sexual minority men. LGBT Health. 2024;doi:10.1089/lgbt.2023.0129
Scheer ER, Werner NE, Coller RJ, Nacht CL, Petty L, Tang M, Ehlenbach M, Kelly MM, Finesilver S, Warner G, Katz B, Keim-Malpass J, Lunsford CD, Letzkus L, Desai SS, Valdez RS. Designing for caregiving networks: a case study of primary caregivers of children with medical complexity. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2024;doi:10.1093/jamia/ocae026
Nacht CL, Jacobson N, Shiyanbola O, Smith CA, Hoonakker PLT, Coller RJ, Dean SM, Sklansky DJ, Smith W, Sprackling CM, Kelly MM. Perception of Physicians' Notes Among Parents of Different Health Literacy Levels. Hospital Pediatrics. Feb 1 2024;14(2):108-115. doi:10.1542/hpeds.2023-007240
Webber S, Semia S, Nacht CL, Garcia S, Kloster H, Vellardita L, Kieren MQ, Kelly MM. Physician Work-Personal Intersection: A Scoping Review of Terms, Definitions, and Measures. Academic Medicine. Dec 1 2023;doi:10.1097/acm.0000000000005579
Watkinson MD, Ehlenbach M, Chung PJ, Kelly M, Werner N, Jolliff A, Katz B, Marleau H, Nacht CL, Warner G, Coller RJ. Interventions in the Home and Community for Medically Complex Children: A Systematic Review. Pediatrics. 2023;doi:10.1542/peds.2022-058352
Storholm ED, Reynolds HE, Muthuramalingam S, Nacht CL, Felner JK, Wagner GJ, Stephenson R, Siconolfi DE. Intimate Partner Violence and the Sexual Health of Sexual Minority Men. LGBT Health. Sep 2023;10(S1):S39-s48. doi:10.1089/lgbt.2023.0134
Sprackling CM, Kieren MQ, Nacht CL, Moreno MA, Wooldridge A, Kelly MM. Adolescent Access to Clinicians' Notes: Adolescent, Parent, and Clinician Perspectives. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2023/10/11/ 2023;doi:
Kelly MM, Hoonakker PLT, Nacht CL, Smith CA, Dean SM, Sklansky DJ, Smith W, Sprackling CM, Zellmer BM, Coller RJ. Parent Perspectives on Sharing Pediatric Hospitalization Clinical Notes. Pediatrics. Jan 1 2023;151(1)doi:10.1542/peds.2022-057756
Werner NE, Fleischman A, Warner G, Barton HJ, Kelly MM, Ehlenbach ML, Wagner T, Finesilver S, Katz BJ, Howell KD, Nacht CL, Scheer N, Coller RJ. Feasibility Testing of Tubes@HOME: A Mobile Application to Support Family-Delivered Enteral Care. Hospital Pediatrics. Jun 7 2022;doi:10.1542/hpeds.2022-006532
Webber S, Nackers K, Kelly MM, Nacht CL, Tiedt K, Allen A, Eickhoff J, Babal JC. Gender-Based Linguistic Analysis of Pediatric Clinical Faculty Evaluations. Academic Pediatrics. Mar 2022;22(2):324-331. doi:10.1016/j.acap.2021.12.009
Tiedt K, Webber S, Babal J, Nackers KAM, Allen A, Nacht CL, Coller RJ, Eickhoff J, Sklansky DJ, Kieren M, Shadman KA, Kelly MM. Gender difference in teaching evaluation scores of pediatric faculty. Academic Pediatrics. 2022;doi:
Storholm ED, Siconolfi DE, Wagner GJ, Huang W, Nacht CL, Sallabank G, Felner JK, Wolf J, Lee SD, Stephenson R. Intimate Partner Violence and HIV Prevention Among Sexual Minority Men: Protocol for a Prospective Mixed Methods Cohort Study. Protocol. JMIR Research Protocols. 2022;11(11):e41453. doi:10.2196/41453
Storholm ED, Ogunbajo A, Nacht CL, Opalo C, Horvath K, Lyman P, Flynn R, Reback CJ, Blumenthal J, Moore DJ, Bolan R, Morris S. Facilitators of PrEP Persistence among Black and Latinx Transgender Women in a PrEP Demonstration Project in Southern California. Behavioral Medicine. 2022:1-12. doi:10.1080/08964289.2022.2105794
Shadman KA, Edmonson MB, Coller RJ, Sklansky DJ, Nacht CL, Zhao Q, Kelly MM. US Hospital Stays in Children and Adolescents With Acetaminophen Poisoning. Hospital Pediatrics. Feb 1 2022;12(2):e60-e67. doi:10.1542/hpeds.2021-005816
Nacht CL, Kelly MM, Edmonson MB, Sklansky DJ, Shadman KA, Kind AJH, Zhao Q, Barreda CB, Coller RJ. Association Between Neighborhood Disadvantage and Pediatric Readmissions. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2022/01/11 2022;doi:10.1007/s10995-021-03310-4
Nacht CL, Felner JK, Muthuramalingam S, Towner W, Ling Grant D, Martos A, Chang JM, Hechter R, Storholm ED. Barriers and Opportunities to Improve the Implementation of Patient Screening and Linkage to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in Primary Care. Journal of Clinical Research in HIV/AIDS and Prevention. 2022;4(2):15-31. doi:10.14302/issn.2324-7339.jcrhap-22-4371
Kelly MM, DeMuri GP, Barton HJ, Nacht CL, Butteris SM, Katz B, Burns R, Koval S, Ehlenbach ML, Stanley J, Wald ER, Warner G, Wilson LF, Myrah GE, Parker DE, Coller RJ. Priorities for Safer In-Person School for Children With Medical Complexity During COVID-19. Pediatrics. Mar 1 2022;149(3)doi:10.1542/peds.2021-054434
Coller RJ, Lerner CF, Chung PJ, Klitzner TS, Cushing CC, Warner G, Nacht CL, Thompson LR, Eickhoff J, Ehlenbach ML, Garrity BM, Bowe T, Berry JG. Caregiving and Confidence to Avoid Hospitalization for Children with Medical Complexity. The Journal of Pediatrics. 2022/05/13/ 2022;doi:
Babal JC, Webber S, Nacht CL, Nackers KAM, Tiedt K, Allen A, Allen BJ, Kelly MM. Recognizing and Mitigating Gender Bias in Medical Teaching Assessments. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. Apr 2022;14(2):139-143. doi:10.4300/jgme-d-21-00774.1
Zellmer BM, Nacht CL, Coller RJ, Hoonakker PLT, Smith CA, Sklansky DJ, Dean SM, Smith W, Sprackling CM, Ehlenfeldt BD, Kelly MM. BedsideNotes: Sharing Physicians’ Notes With Parents During Hospitalization. Hospital Pediatrics. 2021;11(5):503-508. doi:10.1542/hpeds.2020-005447
Williams BS, Nacht C, Fiore MC, Kelly MM. Smoke Exposure Disclosure: Parental Perspectives of Screening in the Inpatient Setting. Hospital Pediatrics. 2021:hpeds.2021-005808. doi:10.1542/hpeds.2021-005808
Kelly MM, Smith CA, Hoonakker PLT, Nacht CL, Dean SM, Sklansky DJ, Smith W, Moreno MA, Thurber AS, Coller RJ. Stakeholder Perspectives in Anticipation of Sharing Physicians' Notes With Parents of Hospitalized Children. Academic Pediatrics. Mar 2021;21(2):259-264. doi:10.1016/j.acap.2020.11.018
Kelly MM, Sklansky DJ, Nackers KAM, Coller RJ, Dean SM, Eickhoff JC, Bentley NL, Nacht CL, Shadman KA. Evaluation and Improvement of Intern Progress Note Assessments and Plans. Hospital Pediatrics. 2021;11(4):401-405. doi:10.1542/hpeds.2020-003244
Coller RJ, Lerner CF, Berry JG, Klitzner TS, Allshouse C, Warner G, Nacht CL, Thompson LR, Eickhoff J, Ehlenbach ML, Bonilla AJ, Venegas M, Garrity BM, Casto E, Bowe T, Chung PJ. Linking Parent Confidence and Hospitalization through Mobile Health: A Multisite Pilot Study. The Journal of Pediatrics. 2021/03/01/ 2021;230:207-214.e1. doi:
Nackers KAM, Shadman KA, Kelly MM, Waterman HG, Bentley NL, Gorski DP, Chorney C, Eickhoff JC, Nacht CL, Sklansky DJ. Resident Workshop to Improve Inpatient Documentation Using the Progress Note Assessment and Plan Evaluation (PNAPE) Tool. MedEdPORTAL. 2020;16:11040. doi:doi:10.15766/mep_2374-8265.11040
Nacht C, Agingu W, Otieno F, Odhiambo F, Mehta SD. Antimicrobial resistance patterns in Neisseria gonorrhoeae among male clients of a sexually transmitted infections clinic in Kisumu, Kenya. International Journal of STD & AIDS. Jan 2020;31(1):46-52. doi:10.1177/0956462419881087
Kelly MM, Coller RJ, Hoonakker PLT, Nacht CL, Dean SM. Provider Experiences With Offering Families Bedside Health Record Access Across a Children's Hospital. Hospital Pediatrics. Nov 2020;10(11):1002-1005. doi:10.1542/hpeds.2020-0044
Cheng CF, Werner NE, Doutcheva N, Warner G, Barton HJ, Kelly MM, Ehlenbach ML, Wagner T, Finesilver S, Katz BJ, Nacht C, Coller RJ. Codesign and Usability Testing of a Mobile Application to Support Family-Delivered Enteral Tube Care. Hospital Pediatrics. Aug 2020;10(8):641-650. doi:10.1542/hpeds.2020-0076
Telles S, Sayal N, Nacht C, Chopra A, Patel K, Wnuk A, Dalvi P, Bhatia K, Miranpuri G, Anand A. Yoga: Can it be integrated with treatment of neuropathic pain? Annals of Neurosciences. Apr 2019;26(2):82-91. doi:10.5214/ans.0972.7531.260208
Miranpuri GS, Meethal SV, Sampene E, Chopra A, Buttar S, Nacht C, Moreno N, Patel K, Liu L, Singh A, Singh CK, Hariharan N, Iskandar B, Resnick DK. Folic Acid Modulates Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Expression, Alleviates Neuropathic Pain, and Improves Functional Recovery in Spinal Cord-Injured Rats. Annals of Neurosciences. May 2017;24(2):74-81. doi:10.1159/000475896
Ahmed MM, Lee H, Clark Z, Miranpuri GS, Nacht C, Patel K, Liu L, Joslin J, Kintner D, Resnick DK. Pathogenesis of spinal cord injury induced edema and neuropathic pain: expression of multiple isoforms of wnk1. Annals of Neurosciences. Jul 2014;21(3):97-103. doi:10.5214/ans.0972.7531.210305